always with a cup of coffee....yummy
We are now in the potty training phase  and this is my recent conversation/interaction with my 2 year old.
Mama: Arjun, do you want to go potty?
Arjun: NO
Mama: Lets go, we can use the big boy potty..
Arjun : NOOO
After few failed attempts with Arjun to potty train, I gave up and we carried on with our daily stuff.
Later, when we were playing this is how the conversation unfolds:
Mama: Arjun, mama will be right back
Arjun: Where going?
Mama: I have to pee
Arjun so happy and all excited jumps up from his seat and holds my hand and runs...
Mama: Arjun, where are we going?
Arjun: Mama sit big potty...

At that point I wasn't sure about "who is potty training whom" ..

This is provided in hospitals as a tool to remove boogers
This is the new generation tool we found to remove boogers

Boogers/stuffy noses/leaky noses can be annoying for any of us, and just imagining what it makes a tiny human being feel is tough to explain. We tried the hospital provided tool on Arjun, but it would never work...(i guess his nose was too
Jokes apart, but he seemed miserable and we had to think of other ways to relieve him of a stuffy nose, and so we tried the recommended options like stand in a bathroom full of steam, or increase the humidifier say it and we have tried it...but it still did no magic.

Until one day, we just were surfing online for other ways to help him breathe easy..and behold we found the "snort sucker". It sounded so weird that we had to click on that link to read more (I know we can be gross) but all for a good reason :)
We did as brave and concerned parents (more for my curiosity) order this tool. And we have never seen the  little guy happier after using the snort sucker

P.S.: Our family members almost gagged when they saw us use this tool, and we successfully manged to get them to think we are gross :)